The Northwest Ohio Emmaus/Chrysalis Community, Inc.

*** Welcome to the NEW website.  Please let us know via Email
of any issues you may experience. ***

What is Emmaus?

The Emmaus Weekend is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. The program’s approach seriously considers the model of Christ’s servanthood and encourages Christ’s disciples to act in ways appropriate to being “a servant of all”.

Help (Questions or Email List)

If you have a question or would like to be added to our email list, please notify us at:
Please allow a few days for someone to assist you.

Please check out the latest versions of the Joyful Noise Newsletter (menu on the left).


From your board:  Now that the recent walks have completed, we have welcomed new board members and said goodbye to outgoing board members.  We would like to thank the following outgoing members for your excellent service to the Community.

Alan Adam
Mike Atherine
JoAnn Cousino
Roger Goebel
Margie Smith
Ray Sudheimer
Lynn Wagner

The board welcomes the following new members:

Vicki Adam
Evan Brock
Kathy DeNolf
Steve DeNolf
Marlin Frey
Mike Hoffman

Report from your Emmaus Board

During the past 15 years we have seen a slow and steady decline in the number of pilgrims attending the Walk To Emmaus.  This has also been the case with most of the other Emmaus Communities.  This has been the case for our gatherings and recruiting team and board members.  Your Emmaus board has been working hard the past several years to reenergize our Community.  In November of last year we sent a survey to the Community to help us better understand your thoughts and feelings as we navigate moving forward.  We had 92 people respond.  The response and information was amazing.  Many shared how impactful their original walk was and the passion they have for Emmaus.  An overwhelming number shared that their life is busy and the time commitment is a major obstacle to their involvement.

To help address this issue, we reached out to the Findlay Community to discuss possible ways to work together.  We agreed to help support each other’s walks, gatherings, etc.  So in the future, you may see information on ways to help support the Findlay Community.

We have been greatly encouraged by your attendance at recent candlelights and gatherings.  On behalf of your board, we would like to encourage you to be as active as you can in your Emmaus Community and pray about sponsoring someone.

Dates for Walks

2025: Oct. 2-5  Men’s Emmaus Walk #77 at Wesley UMC in Bryan
2025: Nov. 6-9 Women’s Emmaus Walk #93 at Maumee UMC

*Sendoff: Thu 6:30pm (no childcare provided)
*Candlelight: 8:00pm (childcare provided)
*Closing: 4:30pm (childcare provided)

*Only graduates (adults, teens) of Emmaus, Chrysalis, Cursillo, Tres Dias are invited to attend.
  Family members who have not attended a renewal weekend can not attend.

2026 Other Walks


Upcoming Gatherings

2025: March 8 – Reunion Gathering at Hope Church of Delta

5:30pm  Reunion (only after a set of walks)
                Reunion is open to new community members & sponsors.
                Team members can attend if room and are encouraged to sit in the back.
6:00pm  Potluck dinner
7:00pm  Worship

Agape Suggestions

Please provide enough agape for pilgrims and team, not just pilgrims.  (50 pieces per walk)

Kairos Prison Ministry

2025: April 3-6 #39

Closing: Sunday at 12:15pm

News from your Northwest Ohio Emmaus Board


Emmaus board meetings: 7:00pm, 2nd Thursday of each month at Liberty Chapel.


Maumee UMC, 405 Sackett St., Maumee, OH  43537
Hope Church of Delta, 101 Northwood Drive Delta, OH 43515
Wesley UMC, 903 Center St., Bryan, OH, 43506
Epworth UMC, 3077 Valley View Dr., Ottawa Hills, OH  43615 (Toledo)
Liberty Chapel UMC, 9475 County Road V, Liberty Center, OH 43532-9757
Waterville UMC, 7115 Waterville Monclova Rd, Waterville, OH 43566
Genoa Trinity UMC, 387 Main St., Genoa, OH 43430



Silent Servants

Remember we are SILENT SERVANTS! This means we come, serve and leave. We do not attempt to converse with the team or pilgrims. If it is possible to stay out of sight that is even better.
  1. When serving meals do not converse with the team or pilgrims. Just deliver their meal with a smile and move on. If you are a sponsor, do not change the serving order just to give your pilgrim their plate. If it works out in the normal order of things for you to give your pilgrim their plate fine, but don’t change things to make it happen. Don’t serve your pilgrim and leave. Please stay and help until all have been served.
  2. If you want to help, PLEASE sign up on the webpage before Thursday evening. The kitchen chairperson will check to see who is signed up before the walk starts, but may not have time or access to be able to check it during the weekend.
  3. Signing up in advance on the website is a huge help. It allows the kitchen chairperson to plan ahead and know who will be coming to help for that time slot.  If you do not sign up on the web please understand that those that did sign up will be used in those slots first. If we have too many you may be asked to do some other task.
  1. Sign up for the set-up, luggage angels, and shower angels needs to be prior to Wednesday so the logistics chairperson can make plans for the weekend.
  2. Sign-up for Sunday tear down needs to be before Saturday.
  1. Sign up for Thursday needs to be before Wednesday.
  2. Sign up for ice cream party needs to be before Friday.
  3. Sign up for Sunday closing needs to be before Friday.
It is vitally important that we have silent servants to be able to have successful walks. It is also important that we do so in an orderly fashion. PLEASE continue to sign up and help…and come with a willing heart to do whatever job is needed.

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